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This package allows you to easily fit and report results from cure mixture models using a tidy framework. The package includes functions to:

  • Fit mixture cure models
  • Summarize coefficients using tidiers and gtsummary
  • Vizualize the data using nomograms
  • Assess model results with Brier scores and K-indicies


You can install {cureit} with the following code:


Load the package:

Fit Mixture Cure Models

Functions to fit the models are wrappers for the smcure() function from the {smcure} package with the additional capability of passing a formula and directly passing categortical variables without first creating a model matrix:

p <- cureit(surv_formula = Surv(ttdeath, death) ~ age,
   cure_formula = ~ age,
   data = trial)
#> Warning: 0 of 100 did not converge.

#> age, Survival model 
#>        -0.001010027

#> (Intercept), Cure model         age, Cure model 
#>             -0.32294763              0.01067634


Please note that the cureit project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

Thank you to Sabrina Lin (@stl2137) for package contributions!