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Get Available Genomic Profiles For a Study or Database


available_profiles(study_id = NULL, base_url = NULL)



A character vector of length 1 indicating study_id. See get_studies() to see all available studies for your URL. If NULL, it will return all profiles for your current database url


The database URL to query. If NULL will default to URL set with set_cbioportal_db(<your_db>)


A dataframe of available genetic profiles and their profile ids


# \dontrun{
#>  You are successfully connected!
#>  base_url for this R session is now set to "" 
#>  No `study_id` provided. Returning all available genomic profiles for <>
#> # A tibble: 1,836 × 11
#>    molecularAlterationType datatype   name    description showProfileInAnalysi…¹
#>    <chr>                   <chr>      <chr>   <chr>       <lgl>                 
#>  1 PROTEIN_LEVEL           LOG2-VALUE Protei… Protein ex… FALSE                 
#>  2 PROTEIN_LEVEL           Z-SCORE    Protei… Protein ex… TRUE                  
#>  3 COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION  DISCRETE   Putati… Putative c… TRUE                  
#>  4 COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION  CONTINUOUS Capped… Capped rel… FALSE                 
#>  5 MUTATION_EXTENDED       MAF        Mutati… Mutation d… TRUE                  
#>  6 METHYLATION             CONTINUOUS Methyl… Methylatio… FALSE                 
#>  7 MRNA_EXPRESSION         CONTINUOUS mRNA e… mRNA gene … FALSE                 
#>  8 MRNA_EXPRESSION         Z-SCORE    mRNA e… mRNA expre… TRUE                  
#>  9 MRNA_EXPRESSION         Z-SCORE    mRNA e… Log-transf… TRUE                  
#> 10 COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION  DISCRETE   Putati… Putative c… TRUE                  
#> # ℹ 1,826 more rows
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​showProfileInAnalysisTab
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: patientLevel <lgl>, molecularProfileId <chr>,
#> #   studyId <chr>, genericAssayType <chr>, pivotThreshold <dbl>,
#> #   sortOrder <chr>
available_profiles(study_id = "acc_tcga")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 8
#>   molecularAlterationType datatype   name     description showProfileInAnalysi…¹
#>   <chr>                   <chr>      <chr>    <chr>       <lgl>                 
#> 1 PROTEIN_LEVEL           LOG2-VALUE Protein… Protein ex… FALSE                 
#> 2 PROTEIN_LEVEL           Z-SCORE    Protein… Protein ex… TRUE                  
#> 3 COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION  DISCRETE   Putativ… Putative c… TRUE                  
#> 4 COPY_NUMBER_ALTERATION  CONTINUOUS Capped … Capped rel… FALSE                 
#> 5 MUTATION_EXTENDED       MAF        Mutatio… Mutation d… TRUE                  
#> 6 METHYLATION             CONTINUOUS Methyla… Methylatio… FALSE                 
#> 7 MRNA_EXPRESSION         CONTINUOUS mRNA ex… mRNA gene … FALSE                 
#> 8 MRNA_EXPRESSION         Z-SCORE    mRNA ex… mRNA expre… TRUE                  
#> 9 MRNA_EXPRESSION         Z-SCORE    mRNA ex… Log-transf… TRUE                  
#> # ℹ abbreviated name: ¹​showProfileInAnalysisTab
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: patientLevel <lgl>, molecularProfileId <chr>,
#> #   studyId <chr>
# }